Please READ and SIGN ABOVE, by eMail, or PRINT and SIGN the PETITION below and fax to the White House; your Governor and Senators; and a copy to The MiChi Health EpiCenter.
Please READ and SIGN ABOVE, by eMail, or PRINT and SIGN the PETITION below and fax to the White House; your Governor and Senators; and a copy to The MiChi Health EpiCenter.
I / We, the undersigned, due hereby petition the White House, the US Congress, Federal Agencies, and all States Legislative bodies to engage POLICIAL WILL to Stop Industrial Chemicals, Greenhouse Gas, Particular Matter, RADON and EMF Radiation Poisoning by legislating INDUSTRY REGULATIONS, TESTING, VENTING AND FILTERING of environmental toxins to safe levels in the dwelling places of hospitals, homes, offices, prisons, universities, schools, houses of worships, all public places and mandate:
(1) TESTING of RADON gas and EMF radiation in every hospital, home, apartment, prison, condominium, school, public buildings and dwelling places before it can be sold, rented, leased, or occupied and annually, thereafter, in rented residential dwellings and public buildings in every state and the District of Columbia.
(2) To require treatment (mitigation of gases and/or filtration of EMF radiation) to safe levels in every home, apartment, prison, condominium, school, public buildings and dwelling places before it can be sold, rented, leased, or occupied in every state in America and the District of Columbia.
(3) To fund programs for public education campaigns to advance the health care industry to EVALUATE AND TEST patients for EMF radiation poisoning and toxicity at every encounter in every state in America as “GREENCARE Intervention” to save millions of lives; billions of dollars in foreclosure prevention; and trillions of dollars in healthcare costs. Also to provide incentives for all healthcare providers ( hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses, etc ) to engage the FREE continuing education training forums at the Center for Disease Control to evaluate and treat persons suffering from environmental toxin poisoning and combat this massive healthcare crisis and empower readiness for homeland security.
(4) To legislate TAX CREDIT INCENTIVES for tax payers who acquire the costs to mitigate and filter their homes, schools, cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, electronics, and businesses, etc.
(5) To legislate funds, through weatherization programs, for low income families and community organizations to mitigate (vent and/or filter) their homes, neighborhood schools, non-profit and public spaces.
(6) To mandate installation of mitigation and filtration systems in all new construction (homes / buildings) to reduce carbon footprints because of the massive convergence of environmental toxins and radiation problems in the emerging threat of global warming.
(7) To regulate the banking industry to require environmental toxin inspections, disclosure, and mitigation before financing a mortgage.
(8) To regulate and monitor the utility and cell phone industry (including 4G Technologies) and reevaluate and reduce limits for mega non-ionizing radiation converging in building interiors and communities to substantially below 10 MHz or 10,000,000 Hz which is recommended by NIOSH. Bio-medical Research argues that this level is critically high and threatening the very existence of the human race, especially when the brain gets bio-rhythm disturbances at frequencies over 25 Hz. We are out of time. We have lost 98.5% of our ability to protect the unborn in the womb from radiation poisoning. One out of every 150 children born is now autistic with states, like Arkansas, having one in 60 children.
(9) To require Mitigation (filtering or harmonizing) of ALL wireless systems in: offices, public buildings, airplanes, trucks, cars, etc. And, regulate limit access to schools because of the sensitivities of brain development in youth.
(10) To fund research for mega mitigation and adaptation technologies to reduce carbon footprints and shield the public masses from these converging environmental gases, acids and nuclear radiation .
Name Address
eMAIL Phone
1) President Barrack H. Obama White House
Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461
2) The Governor of Your State
3) District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty Washington, DC Fax 202 588 6038
Email: adrian.fenty@dc.gov
4) Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Washington, DC Fax 202 225 3002
ATTN: Doxie McCoy, Legislative Assistant
Email:: doxie.mccoy@mail.house.gov or dc00.wvr@housemail.house.gov
Ohio Residents________________________________
5) Governor Ted Strickland Fax 614 247 6344
Ohio Residents________________________________
5) Governor Ted Strickland Fax 614 247 6344
6) Senator Sherrod Brown OHIO Fax 216 522 2239
ATTN: Ms. Meredith Turner, Legislative Assistant.
7) The MiChi Health EpiCenter
at University Central
8044 Montgomery Rd, Ste 700
Cincinnati, OH 45236
ATTN: Ms. Sandy Gray
michihealth@aol.com : eMail
513 442 0691 Office
866 279 9181 Fax